Stay at Home Order

Posted on: April 17th, 2021

FROM: Aylmer Police Service                        DATE:  17 April 2021                


Amended Provincial “Stay at Home “  Order


Recently the Provincial government announced new restrictions for Ontarians and increased police powers under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA), allowing police to stop individuals and motorists who are not at home.

Aylmer Police will continue to take a measured approach to enforcement, applying the order equitably and legally to ensure we continue to support our Southwest Public Health guidelines while maintaining public trust.

The Aylmer Police WILL NOT be conducting random vehicle stops or stopping individuals arbitrarily.  Enforcement will continue to be complaint driven and proactive, with the goal of gaining compliance. Our actions will focus on those individuals who overtly put others in danger and citizens who refuse to comply will be charged appropriately.

Our enforcement efforts will continue as they have since the beginning of the pandemic, focused on the 4 Es:

Engage (with the individual)
Explain (why we are there)
Educate (on the rules and regulations)
Enforce (as a last resort)

Comments Deputy Chief Novacich


Contact:  Deputy Chief of Police – Nick Novacich

Phone:    519-773-3146
