Officers assigned to Crime Prevention within the Aylmer Police create, maintain, and deliver a variety of crime prevention programs throughout the community. We also accommodate a variety of public speaking requests and public education seminars on various topics including:

  • Break and enter prevention and target hardening (C.P.T.E.D.)
  • Robbery and shoplifting prevention
  • Internet Safety
  • Block Parent Program (not available due to lack of community volunteers)

aylmer police home security HOME SECURITY SURVEY
In Canada, a Break and Enter occurs about every 3 minutes. NO building is burglar proof. Burglars will be the first to admit that they target buildings that appear unsecured or lack security. To reduce your risks use this checklist to see where you could improve security.


aylmer police internet safety INTERNET SAFETY SURVEY
The Internet holds incredible potential and educational value for youth in Canada. However, along with its benefits, it can also be a dangerous place if children are not properly monitored. receives countless reports from the public whereby children and adolescents are not using the Internet safely.


ministry of transportation ROAD SAFETY
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation website offers information about road safety in many forms. Their mission is to be a world leader in moving people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably, and to support a globally competitive economy and a high quality of life.


canada safety counsil CANADA SAFETY COUNCIL
The Canada Safety Council is an independent, knowledge-based, charitable organization dedicated to the cause of safety. They provide national leadership in safety through information, education and collaboration and are Canada’s voice and resource for safety.


safe kids canada SAFE KIDS CANADA
Safe Kids Week is an annual public awareness campaign designed to raise awareness about the frequency and severity of preventable childhood injuries, which are the leading cause of death and disability amongst Canadian children.